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Mō Mātou - About Us


He Waka Kōtuia members are involved in a number of kaupapa (projects) within Otepoti, the Ōtākou takiwā and beyond!  Māori Performing Arts is a vehicle through which our members learn and develop many skills, however our focus as a He Waka Kōtuia whānau is much broader.  


We run a number of initiatives (aimed specifically at our rakatahi (youth), to enhance knowledge of local Māori history and culture, to further develop skill in performing arts and to support rakatahi and their whānau to realise their aspirations in education, health and well-being.  

The revitalisation of our native language, te reo Māori and being proud of our identity as Māori is at the heart of everything we do.  We are proud and humbled to have the support of Mana Whenua - Kāi Tahu, Kāti Mamoe, Waitaha descendants from both Ōtākou and Puketeraki.  It is important to us that we acknowledge the special rights and responsibilities that our Mana Whenua carry within our region, and we do our utmost to support where and when we are invited to do so.  

Ko Wai Mātou

Our Trust is governed by four Trustees; Paulette Tamati-Elliffe, Cherie Ford, Angelina Kiore and Donna Matahaere.  The Trust employ a Kaihautū, Komene Cassidy to drive and coordinate our projects. Corey Ford supports the trust in a number of different ways as Kaiāwhina.

Paulette Tamati-Elliffe


He uri tēnei o Kāi Tahu, Kāti Mamoe, Waitaha nō Ōtākou.  

He uri hoki o Te Atiawa, Ngāti Mutunga, Taranaki, Ngāti Tama. Born, raised and descended from Ōtākou, with strong links to Taranaki Maunga. Kotahi Mano Kāika Team Manager

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Cherie Ford


He uri tēnei o Ngā Puhi, no Te Tai Tokerau.  He kaiako Reo Māori ki te Kura Tuarua o Kuini. Descended from Ngā Puhi in the Far North. Te Reo Māori Teacher at Queen's High School


Angelina Kiore


He uri tēnei o Ngāti Porou, o Ngāi Tūhoe. Ko au te Kaiārahi Māori Matua o Murihiku/Ōtākou mō te Tāhūhū o te Mātauranga. Descended from Ngāti Porou and Tūhoe. Strategic Advisor Māori Otago/Southland Ministry of Education

Donna Matahaere-Atariki


He uri tēnei o Kāi Tahu nō Ōtākou, o Ngāti Ruahine nō Taranaki. Kua whānau mai, kua tipu mai i Murihiku. 

Descended from Ōtākou and Taranaki and born and raised in Invercargill

Komene Cassidy


He uri tēnei o Ngā Puhi, o Ngāi Takoto nō Te Tai Tokerau. Kua whānau mai, kua tipu mai i Ōtepōti. 

Descended from Ngā Puhi and Ngāi Takoto in the Far North but born and raised in Dunedin

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Corey Ford


He uri tēnei o Taranaki. Kua tipu mai i Ōtepōti.

Descended from Maunga Taranaki, born and raised in Dunedin

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